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Ralf Habacker schrieb:
> Brian Dessent schrieb:
>>> Ralf Habacker wrote:
>>>> There is only one case where I still believe that there may be a problem.
>>>> If a pthread_mutexattr_t is constructed on the stack and the magic class
>>>> membere is be exactly the predefined value, pthread_mutexattr_init()
>>>> will return EBUSY, although there is no good object, it is only by random.
>>> I believe this has been hashed out on the list before as well.  I think
>>> the conclusion is that the app needs to check the return values so that
>>> it can cope with this case.  I don't have a link to the thread handy.
>>>> My currently conclusion is that there are rare conditions in the pthread
>>>> and/or exception stuff, which corrupts the stack and that there is more
>>>> work required to find out the problem.
>>> This I don't doubt, but I think it will just require someone digging
>>> in.  If you can whittle down the qt3 stack overflow crash to a testcase,
>>> then there's a good chance someone reading will give it more attention.
> I just downloaded cywin snapshot 2005-06-27 and got running designer and
>  uic without any problem, so it looks like there is no need to deep
> more into this stuff. I will follow the next time if this problems takes
> places again.

Many thanks to Chris and Gary. :-)

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