On Sun, Jul 09, 2006 at 12:23:24PM +0000, zzapper wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a few (ancient) shell scripts which call perl scripts (which 
> perform MySql queries), since a few days these have stopped working (may 
> have been since recent coreutils update)

What does "stopped working" mean?
> c:/usr/local/bin/perl sdbk.pl $*  (hard path to activestate perl)
> to get them working again I have to change perl to perl.exe
> c:/usr/local/bin/perl.exe sdbk.pl $* 
> Havn't been lurking here recently but is this a known problem or brain-
> failure on my part?

What happens when you try running them directly from a shell prompt
(using the same shell as your shell script)?

cygcheck output?

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