Tevfik Karagülle schrieb:
After feedback from cgf, I have scanned setup.ini for packages and
their dependencies. 54 of 797 packages are qualified for Base either
directly or indirectly:
I will develop an NSIS package which creates registry
Mount points, untar packages above and run the
Postinstall script. Any suggestions including naming
are welcome.

Already done for NSIS. See those three people at least:

 => http://cygwin-lite.sourceforge.net/

But be sure to provide the src packages also to your users. e.g. with an optional checkbox.

All these attempts will most likely fail if a proper cygwin setup is already installed. It's very easy detect by the mount points in the registry. So please be sure to play nicely with an already existing cygwin, and copy only the necessary files to the proper places then. We hate duplicate cygwin1.dll's.

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