On 11 August 2006 15:31, Will Parsons wrote:

> Dave Korn wrote:
>> On 11 August 2006 14:37, Will Parsons wrote:
>>> Starting up irb (interactive Ruby), I get:
>>>  $ irb
>>>  /usr/bin/ruby: no such file to load -- ubygems (LoadError)
>>> Did I omit to install something I need here?
>>   Looks lke you omitted to install the leading letter 'R'.
>>  <ba-dyum-tissshhh!>
>>     sorry,
>>       DaveK
> Now what package is that in? ;-)
> Seriously, I think I've found the problem - I had an environment variable
>   RUBYOPT=-rubygems
> Unsetting the variable seems to fix the problem.  Apparently, I'd installed
> a non-Cygwin version of Ruby (which I didn't even remember doing), and this
> interferes with the Cygwin version.

  LOL, this happens so often and with so many languages it deserves an


  The missing R is still a clue though.  

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /artimi/tools/linux> ruby --help
Usage: ruby [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
   [ ... snip ... ]
  -rlibrary       require the library, before executing your script

  So, I dunno if "RUBYOPT=-rrubygems" would work better.  Not without having
rubygems installed, anyway, I don't suppose.  Or perhaps it's one of those
awful puns like "-liberty".

  Hmm.  It suggests here:
that it's actually the cygwin package that sets the RUBYOPT variable, even
though it doesn't come with the rubygems library.  If so, that would be a
packaging issue.  OTOH, a quick scan through the package listing for cygwin
ruby doesn't show any postinstall script that could have done that, so I'm not
so sure if the report is accurate: I think you've probably put your finger on

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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