Øyvind Harboe schrieb:
Some more details on what I'm working on:


Off topic cygwin: I did a similar project recently, adding libstdc++ support for a weird platform without proper sources. A company called dSpace sells hardware with some custom RtLinux on some i686 which doesn't support C++, only plain C. Their mingw gcc crosscompiler was compiled without C++ support. So I built my own cygwin based gcc toolchain for this platform. Without the need for the binutils thanksfully. I haven't got exception handling and threads on this real-time thing working though. On the ARM it might be useful, but in Formula 1 we don't worry :) The STL is good enough.

The real solution to this problem involves twisting the arm of Altera
not to include a version of Cygwin, IMHO.
Reini Urban

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