You're asking people for help.
Actually, I'm trying to help *you*. But I'm rapidly losing my enthusiasm to do any debugging on this project since I keep having to jump through hoops. As Corinna pointed out in a previous reply, it's a pain to jump into a new codebase and look around, but at least I was willing to give it a shot on my end, even if no one else is willing to return the favor on your end.

Do you really think that littering a bug report with this type of thing
is a useful thing to do?
Actually, I hadn't thought it was really worth its own message -- just a side note to point it out.

But since you feel this is worth its own thread, perhaps you are right -- after all, people who are trying to work on your project may have their messages unnecessarily dropped. Clear and reliable communication is very important in a large project, so that is a pretty big problem. I'll send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to make sure it gets pointed out properly.


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