On 7/25/2007 2:52 PM, René Berber wrote:
Nicolas Saunier wrote:

I am using emacs with output to X11, and there is no error about not
finding a display. It just crashes rightaway, but often works at the
second try.

Things may improve if you use cygserver and env. var. "CYGWIN=server".

Can you elaborate on this? I've looked at the documentation for cygserver and can't see why it would be relevant. I confess, however, that I didn't understand much of the documentation beyond the first paragraph. The latter says:

  Cygserver is a program which is designed to run as a background service.
  It provides Cygwin applications with services which require security
  arbitration or which need to persist while no other cygwin application
  is running.

Does emacs require such services?


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