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According to René Berber on 8/31/2008 10:42 PM:
> Charles D. Russell wrote:
>> Can this be done?  I can't redirect program output (from ncurses) into
>> an rxvt window using the tty command in gdb.  Googling gdb+tty+cygwin
>> shows that there have been problems in the past, but I didn't find
>> anything recent.
> That's what Insight is for (and ddd under X), a GUI that separates code
> from memory and the program's output (plus gdb output, breakpoints, and
> so on).

Or you can use process attaching, sticking with command-line gdb instead
of gui.  I frequently start a program in one console, then in another
console, use ps to determine its pid, then invoke 'gdp path/to/program
pid' where pid was determined from ps to break in to the program.
Depending on the program, it may be helpful to recompile with an added
sleep() in main, to give you time to attach before it does anything worth

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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