Dave Korn wrote:
  However, now you've got rid of that, a quick re-run through setup.exe and
set everything to reinstall on the chooser page should fix it.

setup-1.7.exe is running pretty reliably now that I have stopped (but not
removed) these two services via the Services app:

  LVCOMSer (Logitech Video COM Service)
  LVSvrLauncher (Launcher for Logitech Video Components)

But I continue to see the following type of error (cut from a
terminal session that occurred moments ago) when running
various cygwin programs:

$ man emacs
5 [main] sh 7444 C:\cygwin-1.7\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x6D0000, top 0x730000, reserve_size 389120, allocsize 393216, page_const 4096 5 [main] sh 8212 C:\cygwin-1.7\bin\sh.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't allocate heap, Win32 error 487, base 0x6D0000, top 0x730000, reserve_size 389120, allocsize 393216, page_const 4096 3 [main] sh 9104 child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 7444, Win32 error 0 136 [main] sh 9104 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x1000000, errno 11 40 [main] sh 9036 child_info::sync: wait failed, pid 8212, Win32 error 0 179 [main] sh 9036 fork: child -1 - died waiting for longjmp before initialization, retry 0, exit code 0x1000000, errno 11

(FWIW, the 'max_memory.exe' program reports that over 1500 Mbytes are available.)

Is there a general troubleshooting approach that can be
recommended to cygwin users that can isolate defects
in cygwin applications from defects that are caused by
interaction with other ms-windows applications?  For
example, if windows is booted to "Safe Mode" or
"Safe Mode with Networking", can errors be reliably
attributed to cygwin defects, and not to inter-application

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