> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Hall (RFK Partners Inc) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 10:26 AM
> To: Georges, Chris; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: Re: Error: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout
> At 01:30 AM 11/7/2000, Georges, Chris wrote:
> >I just upgraded my cygwin installation from 1.0 to the 
> latest cygwin DLLs
> >(cygwin-1.1.5-4) and now almost every utililty (ls,cat,etc) 
> prints out
> >"couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout" when it starts.  
> tcsh prints the
> >error and exits.  I backed out to cygwin-1.1.4 and got the 
> same problem.  I
> >am running all of these apps remotely in a telnet window 
> connected a windows
> >2000 telnet server (the default one that comes with win2k) 
> on a remote
> >machine, this worked fine until I upgraded cygwin.  The apps 
> appear to run
> >OK when run in a normal window on the local machine.
> >
> >Thanks for any help,
> >chris
> A cygcheck -s -r -v may be helpful.  My guess is you have a 
> mixture of 1.0
> and 1.1.x stuff that's causing you troubles, but that's 
> purely a guess.
> The results of cygcheck should help you determine this.

I think the problem is in cygwin1.dll, which is printing out that message in
stdio_init()  in source file "winsup\cygwin\dtable.cc".  It's calling
DuplicateHandle() which apparently fails, and somehow the error causes
everything to exit. I couldnt find a corresponding function in the source
for cygwin 1.0.  I backed out to the cygwin 1.0 version of cygwin1.dll and
the message went away.


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