In 1972 (the year before the APA unilaterally decided 
homosexuality was "no longer an illness") the Gay Rights Platform was 
drawn up at the convention of the National Coalition of Gay Organizers. 
 It was officially set forth at the Gay Pride March on Washington, D.C. 
on April 25, 1993 and has been reinforced every year since.  

        By the way, a couple more of the demands:

        1)      Demand that contraceptives and abortion services be made 
                available to all persons, regardless of age (what the 
                hell does that matter to homosexuals???);

        2)      Full inclusion of lesbians, homosexual men, bisexuals   
                and transgenders in education of children and child     

        3)       Legalization of all forms of sexual expression, 
                including pedophilia, changing age of consent laws to 
                allow sex with children;

        4)      demand that Federal Defense budget funds be diverted to 
                cover AIDS patients' medical expenses...  

        The 1998 Federal Budget included $4.746 *BILLION* for AIDS 
funding.  That was a $465 million increase over the 1997 Budget, which 
is more funding than all forms of cancer combined.  Current Federal 
Money (your tax dollars and mine) spent per  death:

        AIDS/HIV:       $39,172.00
        Diabetes:       $ 5,449.00
        Cancer:         $ 3,776.00
        Heart Disease:  $ 1,056.00
        Stroke:         $   765.00

        What's wrong with this picture? You don't get cancer by engaging 
in promiscuous sex.  Funding should not be based on sexual behaviors.

Jay Holovacs wrote:

> Jodi's fantasy world again.
> Ok Jodi..document your claims
> which 'march on Washington"
> Please specifiy who made these 'demands' and the actual quotes involved
> (not your imaginative paraphrases)
> Of course, if your past behavior on this list is any indicator, statements
> were wildly interpreted to suit your strawman perceptions, and I suspect
> actual quotes will not be forthcoming.
> jay
> At 12:30 AM 9/16/2000 -0400, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
> >       It's already been demanded, Tom.  During the Gay Pride March on
> >Washington, the state and federal demands included:
> >
> >       1)      Repeal of all age-of-consent laws (for sex with kids);
> >
> >       2)      Repeal of ALL marriage laws (3 men, 4 kids, 1 baby...);
> >
> >       3)      Repeal of all public sex laws (including with kids);
> >
> >       4)      Repeal of all laws against prostitution(even children);
> >
> >       5)      Repeal of all sodomy laws (even with kids);
> >
> >       6)      Federal funding of all sex-change operations;
> >
> >       7)      Federal funding of artificial insemination of lesbians;
> >
> >       8)      total access to Boy Scouts by male homosexuals;
> >
> >       9)      sex ed taught by homosexuals in all public schools;
> >
> >       and more.......
> >--

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth makes himself
the accomplice of liars and forgers." - Charles Peguy
R.A.M.P.-Restore America’s Moral Pride

Jodi Hoffman   R.A.M.P.    
Victimization of Children/Research & Education Council of America
TELEPHONE (954) 567-0698  TeleFax (954) 630-2280

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