At 09:41 AM 4/11/2000 +0200, Tom Vogt wrote:
>david wrote:
>> Lightly regulated would be no big deal.  But lightly regulated has always
>> progressed to tyrannically regulated (and taxed).  The history of the USA
>> is no exception.  Business monopolies could never screw up our lives the
>> way governments do.
>you sure about that? I wouldn't bet.
>a government has at least a theoretical duty to the people, all of them.
>a business only has a duty to it's shareholders, i.e. a duty to make
>money, no matter what corpses it requires.

On this web site: Professor R.J.
Rummel documents how governments killed 170 million civilians between 1900
and 1987.  I believe that outscores monopolies by several orders of magnitude.

The last list I saw named over 60 people involved in investigating,
protecting, or preparing to testify against Bill Clinton that are dead now.
 I am not aware of any similar body count in connection with Bill Gates.

So, yes, I'm sure.  And yes, I would bet on it.

David Neilson

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