Hello again!

Friday, April 7th, The British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) and Kantar Interactive 
sent you an email requesting you to complete an online research study about Ad Filter. 
 As you may have discovered, there was a problem with the login id for the study. We 
have now corrected the error. The British Market Research Bureau and Kantar 
Interactive apologize for the inconvenience caused by our mistake.

We would also like to stress that we are using your email address only for this piece 
of research that we are conducting on behalf of ADscience.  Your e-mail address will 
not be used for any further purposes. BMRB and Kantar both adhere to the Respondents 
Bill of Rights which ensures confidentiality and data protection.

We value your time and very much appreciate your cooperation in this matter.  

It would be an enormous help to us and we would be very grateful if you would agree to 
participate by completing this questionnaire.  

Below, you will find your own personal username and login id. Please type these in 
when prompted on the Web survey. 

Username:  user04344
Login ID:  006912

If, at any time you have any problems with the survey please e-mail me at 


To start the survey, just click on the web site address below! 

(If nothing happens when you click on it, please copy and paste the link into the 
location/address box in your browser)


The British Market Research Bureau/ Kantar Interactive is an independent research 
organisation and we can assure you that all replies you give will be completely 
confidential. No one will approach you to sell anything as a result of you 
participating in this research.

Again, thank you for your patience and cooperation.  

Stephanie Jones
Project Director

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