Bryan Stawser wrote:
>I would be very much in favor of the CDR: in the subject going AWAY - it
>continues to make reading threads on this mailing list a pain in the ass.

CDR is not going away so long as Jim Choate runs a CP node. The
appelation is how he brands stuff originating in his machine in 
order to not be incriminated by the stuff originating in other nodes. This
was set up after Jim had a friendly visit from the feds and he freaked
at their iridescent mohawks.

To avoid adding to the CDR stream do not post to SSZ as the first
hop. Jim will continue to post from there to maintain his Texas-size
independence of the hardheaded individual who is scared yellow-
bellied shitless of going to jail like he helped send his mommy and 
daddy and lovers and friends and bastard fucknights, the last meaning 
his hands which are now ensconced in gov-buckled bracelets which 
monitor his gravy-pokers, as if Jeff Gordon and Robb London themselves 
were incessantly doing their best to create obnoxious CP messages --
the latest in a line of provocateurs dropping turds here.

You want other names of the rats? TA the archives and see who were,
and are, the most disruptive, arrogant, contentious, disdainful of
others, bragged the most, would not listen to reason, could not
effectively joke, were thin-skinned, vulgar, rude, high-faluting in
philosophy, obsessessed with not be a sheeple, quoted stale
guarantees of freedom to beast-bugger in privacy, and viciously
attacked, again and again, anybody who derided their intelligence,
going so far as to awesomely killfile, and worse, plonk, and in
a fit of detumescence unsub exhibitionisticly, then sneak back as 
though anybody gave a FF about what you'd been doing back 
there in donkeydick cavern of I am hated therefore I am.

"CDR," is by the way, the least offensive attention-getting repetitive 
behavior here. Let me tell you about mine just as soon as I finish
with this long list of ridiculing others'. Duh, that is mine, learned
here from genuinely skilled techno-arrant assholes with not a
lot of better ideas of how to harm suffering newbies and oldies
like themselves, festering in auto filth and loathing, lonely, 
wracked with demons from the gummit yawning, ignoring, 
snoring, dreaming of "just shoot the loudmouth sonofabitch."

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