At 02:35 PM 4/16/00 -0500, David Marshall wrote:

>What advantage does this have over the encrypted loopback patches?
>With those, making an encrypted CDROM should go something like this:


>         * The kernel loopback system changes randomly which breaks
>           the patches. The last viable patch was for 2.2.14. There
>           are no patches for 2.3 and 2.4, which is on the horizon,
>           and by the looks of things I doubt we'll ever see them.

I think you answered your own question.

>Perhaps someone outside of the Freeh States of America should fix up
>the kerneli code. It's easy to apply patches, and if they're kept up
>to date, are available, and are advertised it might go a long way to
>securing a lot of filesystems.

I think it just needs to be done.  Actually the kerneli code (or segments 
of it) need to be merged into the main source tree. Considering all of the 
crypto in SuSe 6.4, it may be a good project for someone in Germany. *hint* 

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