Gifts of flowers and cards containing references to God continue to roll
into Janet Reno's office, as controlling parents celebrate the restoration
of God-given parental authority over Elian Gonzalez, and every American
parent's right to secrete their child away from all witnesses and treat
them in any manner the parent determines appropriate.

After all, in a country where any parent can arrange for any child under
18 to be drugged, handcuffed, pepper sprayed, cattle prodded, and then
hauled away to spend 2-3 years being brainwashed in a locked behavior
modification facility, an occasional 6 year old being terrorized at
gunpoint by jackbooted thugs and government stormtroopers is hardly any
big deal.

Thank God Janet Reno saw that Elian was "Scared Straight" for daring to
defy his father on national television.

Maybe what Elian should do is live in Cuba until he is 18, and enjoy the
rights given to children under Communism, and then move to the US, and
enjoy the right to treat his own children any way he feels like, with
backup from Federal Agents with automatic weapons if his kids don't agree.

It's the American way.  It's God's way.  It's Tim's Way.  It's the
Libertarian way.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Janet Reno has gotten dozens of
bouquets and thousands of calls of support for reuniting Elian Gonzalez
with his father.

The office of Reno's secretaries was a riot of color and smelled like a
florist shop as more than 50 bouquets, vases, boxes of flowers and other
floral arrangements arrived by midday Tuesday with more on the way in.
Every open, flat surface and most of the floor was covered with flowers.
``On my God, I can't believe this,'' Reno said when she returned from a
day of meetings on Capitol Hill and at the White House.
On Monday, the Justice Department received 12,874 calls about the case.
Department officials did not have an exact breakdown but spokeswoman
Carole Florman said they were mainly supportive. Some 600 calls came
directly into the attorney general's office that day and they ran 9-1 in
favor of Reno's action.
One large mixed bouquet carried this card: ``God bless you. You did the
right thing both morally and psychologically for this child. Marie
DuMaine, licensed clinical social worker. Metairie, La.''
Another signed by three members of the Cuban-American League said,
``Congratulations on a job well done.''
The card with a small bouquet read: ``We strongly support you. The staff
and management of the Watergate Florist.''
A card signed ``a friend in Miami, Kathleen,'' read: ``To thank you and
congratulate you on having the courage to make a difficult decision. May
God bless you.''

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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