The following is really very sophisticated propaganda spin, but is
loaded with facts - so as long as you read between the lines of
empire propaganda, it's actually very interesting, e.g.:

  The once shining state of Lebanon is practically decimated through
  the rise of his [Soleimani's] Hezbollah, a fate he was replicating
  in Iraq. And then there’s Yemen and his Houthi and their
  simultaneous war against Saudi Arabia and their own people. And of
  course Israel where he kept the Jewish state in a crossfire between
  his clients Hamas, Islamic Jihad and, again Hezbollah (when
  Hezbollah was not busy exporting drugs into the United States).

Ahah! So the CIA and USA MIC drug rat lines were bringing in their
dark money drug wholesale ... from Soleimani (at least in part)!

Abso-firetruckingly amazing!

The admissions that come from the deep state when they want to make
someone they just murdered look bad, is stunning indeed.

The first thought was "it's propaganda, so don't send this to
snowflakes", but there are so many facts in this article, it's
entirely likely to trigger them to high water and back, which is good
for the giggles if nothing else - and what's bad about getting facts
out there?  Dunno on this one ... use discretion I guess.

  Trump Derangement Syndrome Skyrockets Over Soleimani

For a comedic take on the evils of Soleimani:

  The True Crimes of Qasem Soleimani (Abridged List)

  Iran: Just Like Ari Fleischer and Paul Joseph Watson Said,
  Iranians are Celebrating in the Streets Because of Democracy
   [ this one's quite amazing to see all the photos - tens of
     thousands mourning in the streets for Soleimani - imagine
     the possibility of anything like that in the West ]

  Donald Trump’s Reelection May Hinge on His Ability to
  Fulfill His Campaign Promise to Start a War with Iran

  GREAT NEWS: Israel Stands with the United States
  in Their Terrorist Campaign!
    We’ve got great news.
    The entire world is certainly opposed to Trump’s plan to launch a
    proxy war with Iran in Iraq, but the only country that matters in
    the whole world supports us.
    Always, our greatest ally.

[ remember, Netanyahu cosied up to the USA's Secretary of State, Mike
  Pompeo, just a few days ago (just prior to Soleimani murder):

  Pompeo Thanks Netanyahu for ‘Unwavering’ Commitment
  to Counter Iran Amid Baghdad Embassy Attack
  10:40 02.01.2020

  Pompeo meets Netanyahu in Israel after Turkey visit
   18.10.2019 - 17:04
   AFP•April 29, 2018

  Trump asked Bibi Netanyahu if he REALLY wants peace
  in the Middle East
   24 April 2018

  TV: Netanyahu wanted to join Pompeo on Morocco visit,
  but king refused
   6 December 2019, 10:15 pm

  Pompeo: If Bibi Wants a Fascist Government, Fine by Us
   February 25, 2019

  ‘Iran, Iran, Iran’: In twitter rant, Bibi cheers Pompeo's
  ultimatum to Tehran
   22 May, 2018 21:03

  “What Bibi wants, Bibi gets,” writes Pat Buchanan. But war with
  Iran is not what either U.S. national interests or Trump’s
  political interests want or need.
   April 16, 2019

Just remember folks ... all the talk of how many "brown and black
people and Americans and Israelis" that Soleimani supposedly "killed"
... well at least when it comes to America we must ask: exactly what
the f^@k are we doing in the middle east in the first place, making
ourselves targets and swinging our military d!@k in most of the
world's face?

Oh, that's right, bringing democracy and (((values))).

On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 02:29:12PM +1100, Zigger da Bigga Trigga N.gga wrote:
> Here's another of those "Look how close they put their country to our
> military bases - how DARE they!" maps.
> AKA, the real reason Israel, sorry I mean the USA, is eternally
> trying to bring on major war against Iran and Syria:
>   Iraq Votes To Expel US Troops As Iranian MPs
>   Chant "Death To America"
>     ...
>     Meanwhile, as the Iraqi government voted, the Iranian parliament
>     took to the Parliament podium to chant "death to America."
>   [Article is short - worth reading.]
> Zerohedge again shows their true neocon colours:
>   Lindsey Graham Blasts "Loser" Kaepernick's "Racist, Un-American"
>   Comments
> Just as well Iran does not realise the Israeli tail wagging the
> American dog - that would really be a bad thing for Israel if Iran
> acted in response to the true puppet string puller behind the scenes.
> Interesting times...
> On Sat, Jan 04, 2020 at 10:11:19AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> > 
> > On 1/4/20 10:06 AM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> > > On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 19:27:45 -0800
> > > Razer <> wrote:
> > >
> > >> I think it speaks volumes about how many of this list's posters work for
> > >> US intel agencies and contractors by the lack of any commenting on your
> > >> new war with Iran.
> > >   I personally don't want to hear more bad news. On the other hand, 
> > > shouldn't govt agents be praising kaptain amerika and his glorious 
> > > slaughter of infidels?
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > Not really. They're really REALLY busy figuring out when the next
> > "lockerbie" is going to happen.
> > 
> > 
> > "There is a historic example of how Iran reacts to such U.S. provocations.
> > 
> > The U.S. attack:
> > 
> >     Iran Air Flight 655 was a scheduled passenger flight from Tehran to
> > Dubai via Bandar Abbas, that was shot down on 3 July 1988 by an SM-2MR
> > surface-to-air missile fired from USS Vincennes, a guided missile
> > cruiser of the United States Navy. The aircraft, an Airbus A300, was
> > destroyed and all 290 people on board, including 66 children, were killed.
> > 
> > The Iranian retribution:
> > 
> >     Pan Am Flight 103 was a regularly scheduled Pan Am transatlantic
> > flight from Frankfurt to Detroit via London and New York. On 21 December
> > 1988, N739PA, the aircraft operating the transatlantic leg of the route
> > was destroyed by a bomb, killing all 243 passengers and 16 crew in what
> > became known as the Lockerbie bombing.
> > 
> > The Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) claimed to be
> > responsible for the bombing of the plane. It had used a Palestinian
> > cutout in Lebanon to plant the bomb. But for political reasons the
> > official investigation was manipulated and the blame for the Lockerbie
> > bombing was put on Libya's leader Muammar Gaddafi who had absolutely
> > nothing to do with it.
> > 
> > The murder of the passengers and crew of Iran Air Flight 655 and the
> > retribution for it were five and a half month apart. This gives us a
> > hint of how long it might take for Iran to prepare the retribution for
> > the U.S. assassination of Major General Qassem Soleimani. There is also
> > the political calender that has to be considered. If an Iranian revenge
> > act is of a kind that could help Trump to get reelected it must wait
> > until after the U.S. election. If the revenge act is of a kind that
> > could hurt Trump's poll numbers it must come during the last few months
> > of the campaign.
> > 
> > We will know that it has happened when this flag comes down:
> > 
> > (Image: Red Flag Unfurled Over The Holy Dome Of Jamkarān Mosque, Qom
> > Iran. Red Flag: A Symbol Of Severe Battle To Come.)"
> > 
> > My advice is "Ignore 'bad news' at your own risk", and cancel any air
> > travel plans, punk. Ignorance kills... You.
> > 
> > Rr
> > 
> > 

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