> I'm aware of whites killing blacks for sport, in the present day.  I don't
> have exposure to blacks killing whites, and honestly there are so many of
> us and our way of life seems so harmful to me, it seems the lesser issue to
> me.

Your almost explicit sanctioning (in the words you chose to use) of the 
"culling of one subgroup of our community" is abhorrent, no matter the skin 
colour of the sub group you target in this way.

And your stated excuse that "our way of life seems harmful to me" can never 
ever be a sufficient excuse for the culling of ANY sub group of ANY colour.

Sanction the culling of one sub group (as these words just did) and you 
sanction the culling of any and every sub group, i.e. everybody, which is 
despotism, and makes you look like a despot when you say such things.

This is one of the problems in the "Black" Lives Matter movement - people get 
lulled into literal extermination agendas, thinking they are signalling great 
virtue by doing so.

When we sanction the murder of a sub group, we sanction the destruction of the 
lives of our fellow Souls, and this is a despotic position, an evil position 
that you appear to take (evil is that which opposes my life, for any individual 
value of "my").

We must live a higher ethic collectively, and Karl, I encourage you to do so.

> Before we came to the USA where I lived, it was covered in free black
> people.

This makes no sense to me.  I cannot understand what you are saying, by reading 
the words you wrote.

> We have yet to give their few remaining cultures and grandchildren
> recompense for their genocide for us to replace their culture with ours.

Again, this is, unfortunately, very unclear, and appears to assume collectivist 
guilt (a fundamentally Marxist propaganda) and other communication problems.

If you wish to help heal the world, I suggest learning to speak (write) more 
clearly, for example, by limiting each sentence to a single concept.

(It is a bully tactic to combine multiple unclear and unsupported concepts into 
one mashed up sentence, and for those unaware, presents too great a barrier to 
defend themselves, or to defend sanity, against such bullying.)

Please stop using such bullying techniques.

> We then went to Africa and did the same.  We have had 1 male black
> president; my black roommate in college said his high school advisor told
> him he would never be able to go to college.  Mine gave me many to choose
> from.

Again a mish mash of concepts and partial "non" facts - I realise you may be 
trying to speak from facts, but your facts are not my facts except that you 
slow down, presenting them in a way that others can hear, and actually discuss 
with you.

If you don't want discussion, then again this would be your choice to use such 
bullying tactics.

> I have been a cyberslave myself, and know some terror of running until your
> shoes break and your feet get frostbite, to escape from an environment
> where everybody you can reach supports you not being free.  There are still
> people who believe blacks to be slaves, and they act on their beliefs in
> terrifying ways.
> There are fewer black people than white people.  We need to protect them or
> they will die off.

Again you make assertions without support of facts.

That is a diatribe, not a conversation.

You may or may not want conversation - that is a matter for you.

You might want to ground your words in truth rather than in propaganda.  
Without truth, how do you know whose agenda you are pushing, perhaps even 
thinking it is your own agenda?

(For one example, why are you proposing to massively increase the population in 
China of blacks, just to achieve some misguided idea of "equality in China" - 
do you thing the Chinese would agree with you that they should massively 
increase theil Black population so you can "appease your White guilt"??)

> People talking about white racism seem to be describing minority rights as
> unfair ... That it hurts white people to defend black people?


Karl, good communication is not easy, it takes real effort and practice and 
writing, and reviewing your own words and rewriting as necessary.

If you make efforts, some will assist. If you stick to cheap bullying and other 
tactics, little space is left for meaningful communication.

Good luck,

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