Stefan Claas wrote:
> Karl wrote:
> > Error: Command required
> > $ ~/go/bin/box new-identity
> > $ ~/go/bin/box list
> > self  identity  
> > c72e81da09e333bc8804205bcfcf3bd8821cad61ad862d57114339e5ee00a664
> > $ ~/go/bin/box add-peer -name stefan -key
> > cc5c5f846c661343745772156a7751a5eb34d3e83d84b7d6884e507e105fd675
> > $ ~/go/bin/box seal -to stefan > message.sealed
> > Stefan: did you get this?
> > [Ctrl-D to terminate entry] # I also changed something minor in the
> > encrypted message, to support private communication.
> > $ xxd -ps message.sealed
> > 0200000076304200000031c2f6d6329d2d26347613cb5e9c8f3e1848b707
> > 9fcf674e0b744be30741f434f09490db0979b027825fc649d1cde868293d
> > 078aba0045b435e25859e8b8814d7658
> > 
> > Stefan, 0200000076304200000031c2f6d6329d2d26347613cb5e9c8f3e1848b707
> > 9fcf674e0b744be30741f434f09490db0979b027825fc649d1cde868293d
> > 078aba0045b435e25859e8b8814d7658 ?
> > 
> > - 
> > karl's-rhel7ae25thinkpad-that-mysteriously-freezes-up-when-he-leaves-it-online,
> > naclbox c72e81da09e333bc8804205bcfcf3bd8821cad61ad862d57114339e5ee00a664
> In order to send me a message you would have to include your name too.
> $ box seal -from Karl -to Stefan <MESSAGE >SEALED, which then writes
> a binary authenticated encrypted blob and which I could only open
> then if I would be in possession of your pub key. It is also advised
> when you send me such message that you consider to base64 etc. encode
> it, prior sending/posting.
> BTW. my key is currently on my offline computer which I am not using
> now, because I am a bit busy with other things on my online computer.

Ouch, just overlooked that you created a key, sorry!

$ box add-peer -name Karl -key 

A *test* key of mine you can use: 

a test message for you, additionally base64 encoded:



NaClbox: cc5c5f846c661343745772156a7751a5eb34d3e83d84b7d6884e507e105fd675
  The computer helps us to solve problems, we did not have without him.

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