Jim Choate aptly accused everybody:

>You're a fucking paranoid, schizo, liar.

That's me, all right, an admirer of country porn, this list.

I offered the WWA DA's Witness Arranger to call me
anytime they needed a witness on short notice, for any
purpose, to hang around, to testify any way desired,
to recant, to re-testify more obligingly, to spill my guts
to the media, to hound (never stalk, never legally
investigate, never seek news about) competing witnesses
and fame-seeking officials, concoct lurid allegations based
on inside information and private correspondence, and 
recant them under the influence of sonbitch intervenors, 
to overreach due to elite education and tit-abuse, to damn 
all parties on earth, to home-jail myself, chained to a computer,l
wear a wire and tote a sensor as fashion statements, buttonhole 
jurors and would-bes wearing "Burn Him" buttons, demanding
screaming constitutional protection to issue exaggerated 
homeland threats, aping highest authorities.

This for free, as a bonafide fucking paranoid, schizo, liar,
FPSL, sometimes called TLAs.

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