Hi, I have been asked to set up the DVEVM using only the minimum hardware 
required to run my application in order to measure the power consumption. My 
application is entirely based on demo applications provided by TI. I am using 
the video display, camera input, resizer, osd, jpeg codec, serial interface, 
ethernet (for NFS) and probably a bunch of other things in the background I'm 
not aware of. I tried to rebuild the kernel to disable the rest of the hardware 
that I don't need but I seem to have disabled the display device by mistake and 
now I can't find its option in 'make menuconfig'. Can anyone tell me the option 
I need to enable to get the display device back? I understand I can reset the 
kernel options to default but I still need to know which option controls the 
display device so I don't disable it again. Also, I thought I disabled the 
harddrive on the board but it still seems to be on, how to I disable it?
Euan C

p.s. If anyone has any suggestions for devices I could disable that might 
otherwise use a lot of power that would be great.
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