Dear Colleagues,

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 4th December), we will remove the legacy status "remarks" 
attribute from inetnum and aut-num objects (see below for more information).

We will notify the DB-WG again once this is complete.

Ed Shryane

> On 21 Oct 2019, at 11:41, Edward Shryane via db-wg <> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> As presented during the DB-WG session at RIPE 79, we plan to remove the 
> legacy status "remarks" attribute from inetnum and aut-num objects in the 
> RIPE database.
> This remark was added to LEGACY resources in 2015, when implementing the 
> policy 2012-07 "RIPE NCC Services to Legacy Internet Resource Holders” [0].
> The remark states: "For information on "status:" attribute read 
> We now consider this remark to be obsolete, and have already performed a 
> similar cleanup on (most) aut-num objects in August 2017.
> We plan to shortly remove this remark from approximately 19,059 inetnum and 
> 15 aut-num objects, and will email affected maintainers before and after the 
> change.
> Please let me know of any feedback or questions you may have.
> Regards
> Ed Shryane
> [0]

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