On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 09:52:02AM -0500, STAFF wrote:
> I am writing a data replication Utility, that currently pulls a list of
> connection strings from a PG database 
> The literal value of $sconnect_str is:
> "dbi:Proxy:hostname=eddie;port=3334;dsn=dbi:ODBC:PLAY;",'username','password', 

> I'm getting the following Error:
> Can't
> connect("dbi::Proxy:hostname=eddie;port=3334;dsn=dbi:ODBC:PLAY;",'username','pa
> ssword', HASH(0x8144e80)), no database driver specified and DBI_DSN env var not
> set at /root/bin/sync_v1.pl line 57.

You have actually set your connect string to the value:


including quotes and commas.  The connect string should actually be:


and the username and password should be separate arguments.

For example:

$connect_str = 'dbi::Proxy:hostname=eddie;port=3334;dsn=dbi:ODBC:PLAY';
$username    = 'username';
$password    = 'password';

konnect($connect_str, $username, $password);

sub konnect {
  my($connect_str, $username, $password) = @_;

  my $dbh = DBI->connect($connect_str, $username, $password,
                         { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }
    || die "Database Connection failed: $DBI::errstr";

  # ...


> sub konnect(){
> my $connect_str=shift;

That's an empty prototype on a sub that actually takes an argument.  Don't
do that.  Until you need prototypes, you should leave off the parens after
a subroutine declaration.


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