Thanks to all for the helpful ideas.
Now I'm edjic^H^H^H^Hjdic^H^H^H^H^H learned.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, Philip Newton wrote:

> Yes; I do that frequently. That's really why there's a difference between
> preparing and executing; I usually prepare all the statements I will need at the
> beginning of my script (once) and can then execute them repeatedly, as often as
> I need. This also saves the database work (if it supports that sort of thing),
> since it only has to analyse and translate the statement once.

PostgreSQL apparently doesn't support this.

> frequently store them in a hash -- something like this:
>     my(%sql, %handle);
>     $sql{'insertbla'} = <<EOSQL;
>     insert into bla (foo, bar)
>     values (?, ?)
>     EOSQL

>     # then, prepare them all by looping through (keys %sql) and doing a
>     # $dbh->prepare for each string and storing the resulting statement handle
>     # in $handle{$key}

In my modules, I will:

    my $sth_routine_name;
    sub routine_name{
        unless ($sth_routine_name) { 
            #setup statement handle
        #use statement with @_ params

> > I could easily have 150 prep'd statement handles lying around.

> Might that number be reduced if you use placeholders more to make the statements
> more generic?

No, it will only grow.

rob                     Live the dream.

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