I have a minor optimization suggestion.  Instead of this:

unless ($sth_routine_name) {
    #setup statement handle

Do this:

$sth_routine_name ||= $dbh->prepare(....);

If $sth_routine_name is already defined, the first half of the OR will be true
and the right half, the assignment, will not be evaluated.  Otherwise the right
half will be evaluated and you'll get a nice new shiny statement handle.  I'm
pretty sure this is more efficient than setting up the unless block.


Wes Sheldahl

Rob Ransbottom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/13/2001 10:03:11

cc:    (bcc: Wesley Sheldahl/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Re: undef & NULL

In my modules, I will:

    my $sth_routine_name;
    sub routine_name{
     unless ($sth_routine_name) {
         #setup statement handle
     #use statement with @_ params

> > I could easily have 150 prep'd statement handles lying around.

> Might that number be reduced if you use placeholders more to make the
> more generic?

No, it will only grow.

rob                     Live the dream.

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