On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 01:58:16 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthew Harrison)

> I am writing a login script using cookie and DBI to connect to a mysql 
> database and I need to run a query like:
> "SELECT username from users"
> and have it return all the usernames in preferably an array so I can do 
> something like:
> foreach $names (@results){
>       if ($names eq $username){
>               check the password and set the cookie
>       }
>       else{
>               say that username not found
>       }
> problem is that I can find a way to fetch all the rows. I have been using 
> @results = fetchrow_array but that of course only gets one row. I don't 
> understand arrayrefs at all so what can i do?

Roughly in ascending order of complexity --

Solution 1: if you're only fetching usernames to determine whether the
user exists in the database, ask the database:

  # error checking left to the reader, or to 'RaiseError'
  $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT username from users where username = ?');
  if($sth->fetch) {
    # user was found in database
  } else {
    # user was not found
    # (or an error occurred)

This solution also has the advantage of less database traffic. And if
you have an index on the 'username' column (which I guess you do, since
it looks like a primary key of the 'users' table), then this query
should execute very quickly.

Solution 2: use selectcol_arrayref, which returns an arrayref, which you
can dereference and put in a foreach column:

  $result = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('select username from users');
  foreach $name (@$result) {
    # do whatever you want here: $name is a name

Solution 3: use selectall_arrayref or fetchall_arrayref, which returns
an arrayref of arrayrefs. Since you're only fetching one column, you
need element 0 of each arrayref.

  $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('select username from users');
  # or:
  # $sth = $dbh->prepare('select username from users');
  # $sth->execute;
  # $result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
  foreach $row (@$result) {
    $name = $row->[0];
    # do stuff with $name

Solution 4: Build up the array yourself:

  $sth = $dbh->prepare('select username from users');
  $sth->bind_columns( \$name );
  while($sth->fetch) {
    # $name is now automatically filled with the 'username' column
    push @users, $name;  # or you could process $name here directly

Check the documentation for your version of DBI.pm. For example, I
believe selectcol_arrayref was added relatively recently; if you have an
older version, it may not be implemented yet, and you might have to use
fetchall_arrayref instead.

Hope this helps.


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