On Tue, 03 Dec 2002 19:38:57 -0600 Moritz von Schweinitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> does dbd::mysql support the $sth->{ParamValues} ?
> i'm trying to get this working using v2.0400 (from activestate's ppm), 
> and all i get is undefs (even though $sth->{'NUM_OF_PARAMS'} returns the 
> expected number of placeholders.

If you tried it and it didn't work, it probably isn't supported.  If you
think that is wrong, post the code so someone (not me) who is familiar with
mysql can look at it.

> is activestate's ppm out of date, or does the current version (2.1020) 
> lack this ability, too? (the changelog on cpan wont tell).
> if a newer version supports this, is there a ppm somewhere (i don't have 
> a compiler on my winXP box)


> P.S.: i just tried to post another question, but i got an email mumbling 
> something about "groupshield" not being happy with my subject (which was 
> simply "$sth->{ParamValues} using mysql". is this a bug or a feature?

Probably the $ sign.  They are trying to keep the amount of spam down.

Mac :})
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