Messages like Rows returned, system altered, database altered.
Specifically all ~*ORA errors*~
How better to describe it? "feedback" from the database. 
That's what I'm looking for.

Oracle DB 
ActiveState Perl 5.6.1
not sure how to retreive DBI version...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Urlwin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 8:41 AM
To: 'Markham, Richard'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: server messages

> How do I trap the db server messages that result from the sql
> I pass to the database?

What database are you using?
Which perl module are you using?

For example, Oracle and DBD::Oracle had/has a way to get dbms_output data.
        perldoc DBD::Oracle, looking for dbms_output should be a start.

For example, MS SQL Server and DBD::ODBC has a way to get SQL Server
        perldoc DBD::ODBC and look for odbc_async_exec and odbc_err_handler



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