Workshop on Cloud Computing

at the XIX International Conference on Systems Science (ICSS 2016)

September 7-9, 2016, Wrocław, Poland 


Objectives and topics

Cloud Computing has emerged to one of the most widespread used paradigms for
on-demand resource provisioning and application development. Due to its
popular characteristics like resource pooling, rapid elasticity, broad
network access, or pay as you go pricing models, it has been widely adopted
for a variety of application scenarios and use cases. Those unique
attributes have led to a number of new research topics. Possibilities
offered by modern cloud infrastructures gave researchers and developers an
opportunity to design new application architectures, develop algorithms and
methods for Big Data processing in the cloud, introduce new methods for web
service management and resource management, propose new service composition
methods, apply new business models for cloud services' delivery and develop
methods for management of methods supporting Internet of Things data
aggregation and processing in the cloud.


All these research topics are closely related and can be implemented in
scenarios utilizing cloud computing in the Internet of Things (IoT).
Applications in the scope of the IoT, such as telemedicine, smart homes,
smart cities or applications with industrial background such as factory
automation, logistics, or automotive are often based on a variety of
heterogeneous sensor nodes and sensor networks collecting data about the
environment. Both, amount and diversity of sensor nodes and resulting data
streams are rapidly increasing. Thus, IoT applications can benefit from the
ability to elastically provide computing-, network-, and storage resources
offered by the Cloud. However, the Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
domains show divergent characteristics in term of their underlying
resources. While IoT developers often have to be aware of resource
constraints, location and semantics of sensor nodes, non-functional and
infrastructure management requirements, Cloud Computing is perceived as a
rather homogenous and endless resource being accessible within seconds and
without limits. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and develop
appropriate concepts that allow leveraging the advantages of the Cloud
Computing for the challenging application scenarios of the Internet of
Things domain.


This workshop is intended to bring together researchers, developers, and
practitioners whose research works focus on cloud computing related topics
described in this call. We encourage submissions on all theoretical and
practical aspects, as well as experimental studies of deployed systems.
Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following subject

.Cloud Computing infrastructure 

.Cloud Computing for Big Data

.Computing methods design and implementation

.Cloud Computing for Service Oriented Architectures

.Methods for resource allocation in cloud environments

.Web service and microservice composition methods

.Business models for Cloud Computing services delivery

.Cloud Computing models and architecture

.Cloud Computing applications

.Cloud computing for Internet of Things

.Models and methods of decision making support in Cloud Computing resources

.Platforms for theintegration of Cloud and IoT environments

.Security and Privacy for Cloud based IoT applications 

.Non-functional requirements and Quality of service for Cloud based IoT


Important dates

Paper submission deadline: 15May 2016 

Notification of acceptance: 6 June 2016 

Camera-ready papers: 15 June 2016


Conference date: 7-9 September 2015 



All contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended
to be published during the review period. Authors are invited to submit
their papers electronically in pdf format, through online submission system: 


Authors are invited to submit original previously unpublished research
papers written in English, from 6 to 11 pages, strictly following the
Springer format guidelines. Authors can download the Latex or Word templates
available at Springer's web site. Submissions not following the format
guidelines will be rejected without review. To ensure high quality, all
papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the 

Workshop Program Committee. All accepted papers must be presented by one of
the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee. The
conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the prestigious
series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (all books of this
series are submitted to ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, SCOPUS, Google
Scholar and Springerlink).



The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer series:
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing


Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of
their papers in the following international journals


.ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (IF:1.252)

.ACM Transactions on the Web (IF:1.255)

.Computers in Human Behaviour(IF:2.694)


Organizing Committee 

General Chair -Adam Grzech

E-mail:  <> 

Co-Chair -Paweł Świątek


Publication Chair -Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko



Committee Members:

Krzysztof Juszczyszyn

Grzegorz Kołaczek

Paweł Stelmach

Łukasz Falas

Patryk Schauer

Radosław Adamkiewic




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