The comments on Deadlists for this say in relation to Caution/Jam:

"After 12 seconds of this someone recites:
' When ya goin truckin down the line <etc>'
The voice is not a bandmember's.
Hunter and Kesey have been suggested but it sounds like neither
The identity of the speaker is a mystery still to solve."

I've just received an email from Jeff Hollback ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in
which he says:

"I believe that this is Ken Babbs. I have heard him on a couple occasions
where he grabs a microphone and speaks his mind. If you would like to
compare it listen to 5/31/69 at Mcarthur Court-Eugene, OR. On this occasion
Babbs takes over the mic while there is some monitor hum."

Does this sound right to others?

Alex Allan

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