> Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 12:09:42 EDT
> Subject: NRPS-Mickey Hart Question
>    I know this has been debated here and other places in the past but
> you tell me when Mickey started and stopped playing w/ the New Riders ?
>    By started I mean....I realize that it began as an acoustic gig w/
> Marmaduke, Nelson & Garcia ( right ? ).  When did they add bass and drums
> gigs and  when was that first show w/ Mickey playing drums w/ them ?
>    As for stopping, I have been told that it was also the last night he
> played w/ the Dead in  ' 71 ( before returning in ' 74 )..... 2-18-71  in
> Port Chester.
>    Any help or confirmations on this ?
>    Thanks, Mike.
As Noah noted, Mickey was present by the time the band (as "Marmaduke and
Friends" was gigging regularly at the Matrix in 1969. Bob Matthews was
briefly the bass player either before or after Phil - his work exists on no
tapes that I am aware of.

The first time I saw Spencer with the New Riders was 12/21/70; Mickey was
with them almost all of 1970.


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