This is not a tape/CD request, because I know to use the Resources for 
Traders site for that.

Regarding this 'free' concert. It did happen as the previous commentator 
states, on a spit of land opposite the prison, seperated by a body of 
water, amongst some trees, on a flatbed truck with an incredible echo 
reverberating back from the other side.

I cannot say exactly who played or any titles, but I do recall Jack Cassidy 
and his Guild Bass. We hitch-hiked to attend the event which was learned 
about either over radio KMPX or by word of mouth. I did not stand close to 
the stage for some reason long forgotten. Possibly to not jeapodize my ride 
back to the city. It's possible also that we either, arrived late, left 
early, or the show was cut short.
Something like that.


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