Hello all.  As time goes on since our trading community's "move to digital," 
and digital copies of shows having become the almost exclusive means by which 
newly circulating shows or newly circulating upgrades are introduced and 
further disseminated into the community, it increasingly occurs to me that 
those who listen, collect and share the music on an analog basis only (like 
myself) are becoming disinfranchised, if not an endangered species.  I think 
of how many people who grew up being able to watch baseball passionately and 
regularly on TV, fell to the wayside with the gradual shift of the games to 
cable TV, and see our community analoggers currently experiencing the same 
fate to an even greater extent, despite the empathetic souls who will make 
the occasional CD<C transfer for others.  

         I'm not saying that anyone has a "right" per se to access to newly 
circulating shows and upgrades, which by and large only emerge through the 
extremely hard work of many dedicated individuals.  All Jerry said was, "when 
I'm done with it, you can have it."  And unlike baseball, profit motive does 
not at all enter into the issues I attempt to raise here.   On the contrary, 
being a part of the Dead trading community has always gone a long way to 
reaffirm my being able to see the best in humanity on a regular basis.   And 
I certainly appreciate all the advantages of the move to digital, which 
include the increased quantitative efficiency of circulating new material as 
a whole.  Yet, it seems to me inherently, albeit inadvertantly, at odds with 
our long standing spiritual principles of getting the music out to all of 
those who wish to listen to it without any catagorical exclusions to allow 
analoggers to become the "bald stepchildren" (so to speak) of the community.  
I think of how, even now, so many of the newly circulating shows and upgrades 
come from, at least in part, "cassette masters," and yet as a whole we are 
progressively ignoring the heritage of the analog cassettes that have and 
continue to make so much possible in our community. 

    I propose that some consideration and discussion be given by the good 
people who are part of The DeadLists Project (and Digest) to the possibility 
that when newly circulating shows and upgrades are introduced through this 
site, some arrangement is made to circulate via analog as well, whenever 
possible; or how can the community as a whole become more inclusive to 
analoggers?  I, for one, would be more than happy to assist in any way 
possible to help get more shows out to analoggers.

       Thanks for listening.  Any feedback on this entire matter is 
appreciated and encouraged.   


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