Hmmmm. Well actually it's spelled "Århus" ("a" with a tiny circle above it,
in case your email software converted that to something else) and when I
lived in Denmark in 1968 the Å was written as Aa in English. It actually
sounds more like an "o" than either an "a" or an "e" so if they've adopted
Erhus as the spelling now that seems curious but I guess it's up to them,
ain't it?

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Marc Evans
> Sent: Friday, July 02, 2004 3:07 AM
> To: rich plumb; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Venue update from Europe 1972
> After receiving Rich's email I started doing some additional 
> research and wanted to share with the list an email that I 
> received today in responce to a query that I had sent to 
> Aarhus University. Enjoy...
> > > 4.16.72:  The city is spelled Erhus.  While earlier 
> research led me 
> > > to think it was at Vejlby Risskovhallen, the venue appears to be:
> > Stakladen, Nordre Ringgade, Erhus Universitet, Erhus, Denmark.
> ============================
> Greetings! My name is Marc Evans and I am a researcher 
> associated with "The Deadlists Project" 
> ( which is an online 
> data base of all of the concerts, and their locations, known 
> to have been preformed by the rock band, The Grateful Dead. 
> Specifically my responsibilities are that of the "venue 
> caretaker", and it is in this capacity that I am requesting 
> assistance.
> On 16 April 1972 the Grateful Dead preformed a concert at 
> Aarhus Universitet and I am hoping that someone might be able 
> to give me specific information as to the correct name and 
> location of the venue where they preformed. At this time all 
> I have is:
> Venue: Aarhus University
> Location: Aarhus, Denmark
> but I looking for more detail, specifically the name of the 
> building where they played, which I believe might be called 
> "Stakladen", such as:
> Venue: Stakladen, Nordre Ringgade
> Location: Aarhus Universitet, Aahus, Danemark
> Thank you for any assitence that you can provide.
> Best regards,
> Marc
> ============================
> Hey Marc!
> Your request concerning the Grateful Dead performance in 1972 
> in Aarhus, Denmark (not Danemark, please, that's German!) 
> landed - by coincidence - on just the right table this 
> morning. I myself attended the concert on April 16, 1972. I 
> was sitting there 18 years old (in a rather uncomfortable 
> position) for almost four hours waiting for Dark Star to show 
> up. Well, that night it didn't - but it was all right anyway. 
> Dennis McNally - in his great History of the band - has given 
> a very fine description of the room where the performance 
> took place. A performance with the guitarists wearing masks - 
> some of the time at least. (I was at the concert at the Forum 
> in Copenhagen in 1981, too, and I remember that the Danish 
> newspapers at that time stated almost as a fact that Garcia 
> was about to die very soon).
> It is correct that the room where the 1972 concert in Aarhus 
> was held is called "Stakladen". The architect was C.F. Moller 
> (1898-1988), one of the most outstanding modern architects in 
> Denmark - and the architect of the University of Aarhus since 
> the beginning of the thirties, by the way. The building 
> "Stakladen" was inaugurated in 1964 as a canteen/restaurant 
> for students at the University of Aarhus (in the beginning of 
> the 1990's the university decided that the English name 
> should no longer be "Aarhus University", but "University of 
> Aarhus", but do not change that ... that would create 
> unnescessary confusion on your sites!
> "Stakladen" can hold about 600-700 persons, but then it gets 
> really hot in there! Country Joe and the Fish played there a 
> couple of times too, and Family, Soft Machine, Procol Harum, 
> Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band and many other rock 
> bands - and a lot of jazz concerts have been held there, but 
> not since the seventies, I think ... In 2002 there was a 
> 30-years-since-the-Dead-was-here party in Stakladen where two 
> Danish bands played Dead songs - starting off with He's Gone ...
> The word "Stakladen" is the definite form of the Danish noun 
> "staklade" which means a barn (Danish: "lade") where to store 
> (Danish: "stakke") loads of straw and grain. The venue 
> "Stakladen" is not - of course - a barn for storing grain, 
> though, but some parts of its very special construction - the 
> open and visible timber constructions under the roof, where 
> parts of the audience placed themselves during concerts (as 
> descibed by McNally) - simply show similarity to such barns. 
> So that's the explanation of the name! It's been called 
> Stakladen for 40 years now.
> The formal addres (in Danish) of the university is
> Aarhus Universitet
> Nordre Ringgade 1
> DK-8000 Arhus C
> Danmark
> and it is correct that Stakladen is also situated at Nordre 
> Ringgade (northern part of a ringroad/(half)circular road 
> around the center of the city)
> (in 1948 the "aa" was substituted by" "a" in the Danish 
> written language, but not in names of persons, institutions etc.)
> Please, tell me if you want more information about "Stakladen".
> Best regards
> Palle
> **************
> Palle Lykke
> Udvalgssekretar, cand.mag. / Secretary, MA 
> Universitetshistorisk Udvalg ved Aarhus Universitet/ 
> University History Committee, University of Aarhus 
> Forskerparken, Gustav Wieds Vej 10 DK-8000  Arhus C Tlf. / 
> phone (+45) 8620 5183, fax (+45) 8620 1222, e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Web: + 
> Universitetshistorie / University history:
> *************************************************************

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