
Thanks for your excellent site. I've referred to deadlists on countless occasions over the years and paid several visits to the 9/10/74 page as I was at the concert at Alexandra Palace on this date.

I'm contacting you because I don't remember a Seastones on the night. That is, I believe that there was no Phil & Ned set between the 2 GD sets, even tho' it is listed on this date on the website. I'm 90% sure of this, the 10% doubt due to the fact that it is now over 30 years ago, and I shared a spliff at half-time, which may have affected my memory.

Also, I remember writing down the setlist from memory the following day, and the only song that I did not recognise was Peggy-O. Although I lost that piece of paper many years ago, I never forgot this and it wasn't until DP7 was released that this mystery was solved.

I was always in awe of Phil, and I can remember clearly that when we entered the hall he was tuning up his bass and equipment, with his back to us. In around 40 years of concert-going, I've never heard a sound system as clear as the Wall Of Sound, and it was a privilege to see it. Anyway, when Phil finished, we all cheered and he turned, smiled and waved, completely unaware that we had come in. Typical of a British crowd to be so quiet, I guess. So, I can't help thinking that if he had been on stage in between the 2 main sets, I would have recalled it.

I hope you don't mind this email. The upshot is that I'll be very surprised if there is a Seastones section on the AUD tape for the night. If there is, I'd love to get hold of it one day and I'll just have to put it down to a failing memory.

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