Wednesday, November 30, 2005 (AP)
Grateful Dead angers fans after halting live downloads By DAN GOODIN,
Associated Press Writer

   (11-30) 12:41 PST San Francisco (AP) --

   Surviving members of the Grateful Dead, the psychedelic jam band that
toured for three decades, have angered some of their biggest fans by asking
a nonprofit Web site to halt — at least temporarily — the free
downloading of concert recordings.

   Representatives for the band earlier this month directed the Internet
Archive, a site that catalogues content on Web sites, to stop making
recordings of the group's concerts available for download, band spokesman
Dennis McNally said Wednesday.

   Fans, who for decades have freely taped and traded the band's live
performances, quickly initiated an online petition that argued the band
shouldn't change the rules midway through the game.

   "The internet archive has been a resource that is important to all of
the petition states. "Between the music, and interviews in the archive we
are able to experience the Grateful Dead fully."

   Representatives of the group, which disbanded in 1995 following the death
of guitarist and lead singer Jerry Garcia, haven't reached a final decision
about whether they will ultimately permit the Internet Archive and other
sites to offer free live recordings, McNally said. He said a compromise
could be reached that allows some downloading of specific songs or shows.

   The Grateful Dead once set concert attendance records and generated
millions of dollars in revenue from extensive tours.

   With concert tickets now removed as a source of revenue, sales of the
band's music and other merchandise have become increasingly important in an
age where music is distributed digitally instead of on CDs, vinyl and
cassette tapes.

   And the arrival of Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes online music store, and
other similar sites, means free downloads can be seen as competition, said
Marc Schiller, chief executive of Electricartists, which helps musicians
market themselves online.

   The band sells music on iTunes and exclusive shows through its Web site.

   "When the music was given away for free to trade, the band was making so
much money touring that the music was not as valuable to them," Schiller
said. "Apple iTunes has made digital downloads a business."

   The Grateful Dead's freeform improvisational style led to vastly
different sounding songs, from year to year or even night to night. A song
that lasted four minutes during one performance could be stretched to 20
minutes during a different show. Fans eager to explore the varying versions
frequently built large collections of shows spanning the band's 30-year
career. The band even encouraged recording of their live shows, establishing
a cordoned section for fans to set up taping equipment.

   Representatives from the Internet Archive didn't immediately return a
telephone call seeking comment Wednesday.
Copyright 2005 AP

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