Noted. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
 Teddy > From:
> To: deadlists@nemesis.CS.Berkeley.EDU;
> Subject: correction deadlists project
> Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 23:17:17 +0000
> Dear Teddy,
> I write to note, and correct, a minor mistake in the Deadlists Project.  The 
> show on 8/6/67 is presently listed as at "Palace Ville Marie" in Montreal.. > 
> This is a typo for Place Ville Marie, which is a large downtown square where 
> the Dead did perform.  Just for the record I know this since I live in> 
> Montreal, I am a scholar of the Dead (a professor at McGill Univ. and a head 
> for many, many years!).  Just to be certain I discovered that my> 
> brother-in-law was at the gig, and he confirmed that it was at Place Ville 
> Marie.
> > Thanks for all the good works on this, and sorry to be anal about such 
> > details!
> Best,
> (Prof.) Eric (Lewis)
> Please note:  My office phone number has been changed.  You need to call the 
> main McGill switchboard, 398 4455, then ask, or dial my new> extension: 
> 094929.

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