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Looking for information about Grateful Dead Concert at Wesleyan on May 3, 1970
   Feb. 7, 2013 by Jennifer Hadley
   Wesleyan's Special Collections and Archives, and World Music Archives,
   are interested in gathering documentation of the May 3, 1970, Grateful
   Dead concert on Foss Hill. The Argus reports that a group of 15
   students, supervised by several faculty members led by Sociology
   Professor Philip Ennis, made audio and video recordings and interviewed
   attendees during the event. While we do have access to some audio and
   video recordings of the event, as well as photographs, we would welcome
   any anecdotes, field notes, or additional recordings from students who
   participated in this project. Please contact Alec McLane, Director of
   the World Music Archives (, 860-685-3899), or Leith
   Johnson, University Archivist (, 860-685-3863).

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