
Ok, I add in CC bug 902633.

So basically we have been waiting for 6 months to package a new release of php-mode because we have not obtained the copyright for the following lines in the changelog:

php-elisp (1.5.0-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New upstream release (Closes: #368061, #291207)
  * New maintainer (Closes: #525947)
  * debian/control:
    + bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.4
    + added ${misc:Depends} in Depends
    + updated Depends to emacs23 | emacs22 | emacsen
    + updated Suggests to php5 | php5-cli
    + updated Section to lisp
    + added in Recommends field speedbar (Closes: #500120)
    + used debhelper 7
    + added Homepage field
    + added texi2html in Build-Depends to generate manual (Closes: #476197)
  * debian/rules:
    + removed emacs21 references (Closes: #269650)
    + used binary-indep instead of binary-arch target
  * debian/copyright
    + added copyright notice
  * Added compat, docs, watch files
  * switched to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format

-- Thierry Randrianiriana <thie...@debian.org> Sun, 09 May 2010 09:00:55 +0300

As for the other 14 lines (I do see which lines you mention here, perhaps only directory paths in *.dir files?), this means that any program with the following code has already 7 copyrighted lines:

// Hello world program
#include <stdio.h>

int main (int argc, char *argc) {
  printf ("Hello world!");
  return 0;

Perhaps I am wrong, but, to me, all this seems overstated.

Best regards,

On 02/02/2019 00:54, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
Hi Eugen,

For future reference, correspondences like this are supposed to be on
the Debian BTS.  Reply follows inline.

On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 07:58:42PM +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
Hi Nicholas,

On 26/01/2019 21:56, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
Hi Eugen,

On Sat, Jan 26, 2019 at 08:16:35PM +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
On 13/01/2019 09:58, Eugen Dedu wrote:
On 13/01/2019 04:04, Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
Hi Eugen,

On Wed, Jan 09, 2019 at 01:59:56PM +0100, Eugen Dedu wrote:
Hi Nicholas,

Have you succeeded in packaging the new php-mode ?  It is a matter of
copy-paste from the other package (yasm... ?)


Yes, I completed the packaging some time ago (ready to upload since 23
jul 2018).  I am still waiting for #903092 permission to relicense
debian/* contributions to GPL-3+ from Thierry Randrianiriana and
Pontus Ullgren.

Since we're almost into the soft-freeze I'll have to ask about the
best way to proceed; it may be that confirmation from those two
contributors are not needed; it may be that uploading a NEW
src:php-mode instead of src:php-elisp would be best; alternatively,
we're stuck with the old copyright format forever with undefined
licensing for debian/*

Well, could you contact hem again and explain that it is a matter of
licence?  It would be silly to have a package ready since 6 months ago
and not to be added to debian because of a simple answer of GPL
licensing.  If you wish, you can add me in CC of the e-mail, I will help
towards a fast solution.

Please do not, people who leave Debian often feel harassed by this.

I misinterpreted your previous e-mail, I thought you wait for debian
technical committee... (!)

No worries!  I didn't think it was a severe enough issue to escalate
to the TC...maybe debian-legal will recommend this action though (see

Anyway, perhaps I am wrong, but I do not see what debian/* file do you carry
from the current package when you upload the new version of php-mode.  As
far as I see, you can use what you have written for yaml-mode :
https://sources.debian.org/src/yaml-mode/0.0.13-1/debian/. The debian
directory of this latter package has an almost empty rules file, and the
control file cannot surely be copy protected.

22 lines from d/changelog, plus at least 14L from various other
places.  I'm believe he's still over the 25L limit (GNU standard) for
non-copyrightable contributions.

Otherwise said, you need relicensing from previous packagers if you still
use their contributions or files, but there will be none, since the new
debian/ directory will be almost empty, and without any contributions or
file from them!  What is Thierry's contribution you will use in the new

I might be missing something here, but I do not see what.

See above.  I am not a lawyer and do not know whether these
contributions are sufficiently original to be considered

Any news, Nicholas?  If you do not do anything, nothing will happen...

I contacted the MIA team to find out if there was a reasonable
expectation of hearing back from Thierry before the mid-Feb freeze.
He's very much MIA, and it is probable we won't hear from him.

Because it is necessary to have all contributors consent, we cannot
move to machine-readable copyright at this time.

Knowing this, I am proceeding with some minor updates to the packaging
and plan to upload this week.

Ok, thank you!

You're welcome!  By the way, unlike most people I appreciate the
follow-ups/reminders to finish work on something ;-)


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