On Tue, 04 Mar 2008, Kees Cook wrote:
> mplayer doesn't compile with PIE due to the various ASM routines.  (I've
> noted this failure mode in the wiki[2] now.)  However, with everything
> else enabled (including FORTIFY_SOURCE), there was no measurable
> difference (it was below the percentage difference between runs):
>         runtime in seconds
> Mplayer Normal  Hardened    
> 1        10.87   10.807  
> 2        10.873  10.824  
> 3        10.854  10.963  
> 4        10.809  10.84   
> 5        10.877  10.838  

Just for future reference, it'd probably be better to run more than 5
tests of each population in the future, as 5 tests means you'll only
detect very large differences in performance at any reasonable level
of signifigance.


> t.test(x=c(10.87,10.873,10.854,10.809,10.877),y=c(10.807,10.824,10.963,10.84,10.838))

        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  c(10.87, 10.873, 10.854, 10.809, 10.877) and c(10.807, 10.824, 10.963, 
10.84, 10.838) 
t = 0.0722, df = 5.561, p-value = 0.945
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.07382831  0.07822831 
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
  10.8566   10.8544 

> This one showed a possible difference:
> nexuiz  Normal  Hardened    
> 1       66.68   68.113  
> 2       66.802  66.93   
> 3       66.758  67.03   
> 4       66.728  67.051  
> 5       66.859  67.037  

While there may be a possible difference here, it's not significant,
given the sample size:

> t.test(x=c(66.68,66.802,66.758,66.728,66.859),y=c(68.113,66.93,67.03,67.051,67.037))

        Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  c(66.68, 66.802, 66.758, 66.728, 66.859) and c(68.113, 66.93, 67.03, 
67.051, 67.037) 
t = -2.0899, df = 4.154, p-value = 0.1023
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0 
95 percent confidence interval:
 -1.0779888  0.1443888 
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
  66.7654   67.2322 

But useful data nevertheless.[1]

Don Armstrong

1: I won't even begin to discuss how many times I see benchmarks
without SEM or sd reported.
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