On Sat, 2024-05-18 at 10:28 +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 09:58:58PM +0200, Victor Gamper wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > Is it correct that debian 13 is planned to be released without
> > an i386 iso and i386 is planned to be deprecated?
> > If so, I'd like to ask to reconsider this seeing as there is still a
> > plethora of i386 machines and i386 is as of now still the
> > second most used architecture according to popcon with 8437
> > reports there, if I understand correctly.
> > I personally use the i386 version on multiple machines,
> > including a ThinkPad T60 (on which I'm writing this on) and a
> > Transmeta Efficeon, which I'm using as a router and access point.
> > 
> The Transmeta _won't_ do x86_64/amd64 - but is obscure (and rare) hardware
> at this point.
> The T60 will do amd64.

According to thinkwiki, the T60 had CPU options of Core Solo/Duo (32-
bit) and Core 2 Duo (64-bit) CPUs, so this may or may not be correct.


Ben Hutchings
Horngren's Observation:
              Among economists, the real world is often a special case.

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