Dear Colin,

I have some comments on your `update-binfmts' proposal.

1. I like it :)

2. It should be a separate package because we don't want any way that the
   standard dpkg package depends on a kernel option that may be compiled
   out of a custom kernel.

   It could be named binfmt-support and modeled after the mime-support
   package that it resembles a lot.

3. In fact your proposal suggests a more general useful extension:
   integration of the kernel options in the package system!

   One could imagine a (virtual?) package for each module in the kernel
   that would be seen as installed or uninstalled depending on whether a
   certain option is compiled into the kernel.  This way packages could
   depend on kernel modules being installed in a way that would interact
   well with recompilation of kernels and even permit effective selection
   of just the needed modules for a given installation.

   But then again this may be overloading the package system since there
   are quite a few kernel modules...

Best regards,
Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, phd, prof.associé  <>
addr. LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie, F-69364 Lyon 7
phone +33(0)4 7272 8642, fax +33(0)4 7272 8080   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
pgp f-p: A4D3 5BD7 3EC5 7CA2 924E D21D 126B B8E0   <[EMAIL PROTECTED],tug}.org>

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