On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, Matt Taggart wrote:

> Since we're using gcc-3.0 for the hppa port I've been running into some 
> packages that break with the new compilers. Since hppa is a young port and 
> still has some problems I'm often not sure if it's an hppa problem or a 
> gcc-3.0 problem. Even if I think it's a gcc-3.0 problem it it harder to 
> convince the maintainer of this.

gcc 3.0 does have some problems, and on more than just HPPA.  For
instance, multiple-inheritence and g++ don't get along at all on Alpha
(non-virtual thunk problem...gnats report #2269, IIRC) as well as other
things.  Right now, speaking for Alpha, I test our non-compiling packages
with gcc 3.0, but don't consider fixing things specifically for 3.0 yet,
so I doubt most other maintainers look at it much differently.

> IIRC gcc-3.0 is not a woody release goal. However it would be nice to get as 
> many packages as possible gcc-3.0 clean. Those of us working on the hppa port 
> will certainly be working on this.

True...more on this below.

> So, I have an idea. Setup a gcc-3.0 based chroot on gluck.debian.org(i386) 
> and 
> run a buildd to look for problems. Developers could also chroot into it to 
> work on cleaning up their packages. What do you think? This might also help 
> to 
> find packages which no longer build due to changes in their build depends.

Not sure if this will go over too well.  It's hard enough to get them to
even log into an architecture other than i386 in most cases, and in other
cases, it's even harder to get them to respond to other arch bug
reports.  I don't think they'll be too happy with "yet another thing" to
look/patch for.  I may be wrong, though.  I wouldn't mind it at all,
personally, but then again, I have five archs in my house, so :-)

At any rate, it's an idea, but I think it would have to be handled
delicately with the rest of the developers.


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