Dear Neighbor:

        I'm having a tax problem and I want you to be the beneficiary 
instead of the IRS...

        My business has had a phenomenal year so far in 2001. In fact, 
we've done so well I'm probably going to pay 2½ times more corporate 
taxes than I did last year. And if we make any more money this year, 
the tax problem will only get worse... I'll have to pay even more 
money to the IRS.  

        I have employees who I don't want to lay-off. So in order to keep 
my employees busy and not give more money to the IRS, I've decided on 
a strategy that's so bold – so daring – that I doubt anyone else 
would even dare try it.  I have decided to offer windows and siding 
to you, at our basic cost.  In other words, I'm going to offer you 
windows and siding for no personal profit whatsoever!  This will 
increase our expenses thereby decrease our percent of profits. Just 
click the link below to set up an appointment with one of my sales 
representatives today!

        Just point your browser at

Brian Elias
Hansons Windows & Siding

P. S. This a one time email offer only good for the next 9 day 
or until we decrease our tax problem.

**If you wish to have your e-mail removed from our list, please reply to this
email with REMOVE as the subject.

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