Package: g++
Version: 2.95.4-8

        I got an internal compiler error in g++, and since I'm using
a Debian prerelease instead of an official gnu release, I'm sending
my report here. The error occurs when I instatiate a template
which has as one of its members an array whose size is given
by a const static int in another class, which has its value
defined in a separate source file. I've managed to cut the
source file down to about 1.5k while still reporducing the
bug, and most of that is the GPL notice at the top of the
file (the original source is out of worldforge). I'm
attaching a gzipped tarball which includes:

The source which produces the error (only about 20 lines of code).
The .ii files for both the cases with and without the array
        (labeled .ii.bug and .ii.clean)
The compiler output for both cases (bug_output and clean_output).

I don't know if this is just a problem in the Debian build, or
in g++ in general, so I'll let you decide whether to forward
this upstream.

Ron Steinke

Attachment: bug_report.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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