* Hakan Ardo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have now built a gcc-m68k-linux package by installilng an libc-m68k-cross
> and an libc-dev-m68k-cross created by dpkg-cross before building gcc. What 
> I had to do to get it working was:


>   - Change crossbase in /etc/dpkg/cross-compile from /usr/local to /usr. Why
>     is this defaulting to /usr/local? Don't we want cross-compilers in /usr?

Well I suppose it depends how you chop your disc up, personally I put
/usr and / on the same partition and made them fairly small and made
/usr/local and /discs/cross - but its just a matter of taste I guess.

>   - Patch dh_shlibdeps not to pass files to dpkg-shlibsgen that were not in
>     the native format (included below). dpkg-cross contains some replacement
>     dpkg-shlibsgen that I think should be used instead. Anyone know how to 
>     thatone not to deafult back to dpkg-shlibsgen.orig? Will it work in this
>     kind of mixed environ where we have some native binaries and some corss
>     libraries?

Hmm that didn't work for me - I get complaints at the end of the build
complaing from dh_strip about an unkown output file format.
(I did the shlibdeps change after using dpkg-cross and after building
binutils but before building gcc).


P.S. Here is a script I wrote to get the libc6 and libc6-dev packages
for dpkg-cross - there must be an easier way?

8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-<

#!/bin/sh -x

export SERVER="ftp://ftp.uk.debian.org";

# $1 is the architecture name


case $1 in
    debarch=alpha ;;

          debarch=arm ;;

          debarch=hppa ;;

          debarch=i386 ;;

          debarch=m68k ;;

          debarch=mips ;;

          debarch=powerpc ;;

          debarch=sparc ;;

          echo "Hmph - dunno the $1 arch" >&2
                exit 2
wget $SERVER/debian/dists/testing/main/binary-${debarch}/Packages.gz -O 
/tmp/packageset.gz || exit 2

rm -f /tmp/packageset
gzip -d /tmp/packageset.gz || exit 2

for PATTERN in 'libc6$' 'libc6.*-dev$'
        debfilename=`dpkg-awk -f /tmp/packageset "Package:"$PATTERN -- 
"Filename" | sed --silent 's/Filename: \(.*\)$/\1/p'`

        DEBHERENAME=/tmp/`basename $debfilename`
        wget $SERVER/debian/${debfilename} -O $DEBHERENAME || exit 2
        dpkg-cross -a ${debarch} -i $DEBHERENAME || exit 2

8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-< 8-<

 ---------------- Have a happy GNU millennium! ----------------------   
/ Dr. David Alan Gilbert    | Running GNU/Linux on Alpha,68K| Happy  \ 
\ gro.gilbert @ treblig.org | MIPS,x86,ARM, SPARC and HP-PA | In Hex /
 \ _________________________|_____ http://www.treblig.org   |_______/

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