>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Loewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thanks for the fast reply, Martin


    >> Is the trial and error method the usual approach ? ;-)

    Martin> No. Instead, one needs to clearly identify the problem. If
    Martin> it is a compiler bug, it would fall into the class
    Martin> "generates bad code". A useful bug report in this category
    Martin> would identify a function, and present it together with
    Martin> the assembler code.

Ok, I imagined sth. similar ...

    >> Given the results above is it licit to blame the compiler(s)?

    Martin> Not necessarily. It could be also that the program uses
    Martin> undefined behaviour, such as accessing an uninitialized
    Martin> variable. If that is a variable on stack, it might or
    Martin> might not crash depending on the previous value of the
    Martin> stack.

So, concluding, the following isn't correct?

| #
| #               If SWISH++ doesn't work correctly with optimization on, but it
| #               works just fine with it off, then there is a bug in your
| #               compiler's optimizer.



(Dr.) Michael Hummel
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