Title: GCC 3.0 on potato

Dear Debian Developers,

I am using potato 2.2.r3 and the standard gcc 2.9xx stable.

I am working on my free time on a patch to the GCC3.0
it changes the ast-tree-dumper to output XML and streams the results to an external process.
the project is hosted on http://sourceforge.net/projects/introspector/
the changes are in cvs under the c_files directory.
I would like to build it as a patch to gcc using the debian deb model as
I see the debian as the ideal platform of development.

I have tried to compile the gcc 3 from apt commands can you please tell me the official way
to get the sources and build a deb using potato gcc3.0?

Then I would like to produce compatable patches so when you upgrade the gcc for debian
I can apply my patches to produce a compatible version, how is this best done?

Thanks a lot in advance,

Mike DuPont

PS : Please respond by cc-ing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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