On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Matthias Klose wrote:

> that's some kind of misinformation. 2.95.4 is derived from 2.95.3,
> following the gcc-2_95-branch on CVS.

ok, accepted, see my previous posting. i really have nothing against
2.95.4 as such...

> It's unfortunate, that 2.95.x development got stuck somewhere.
> Questions about 2.95.4 on the gcc mailing list remain unanswered.

there even isn't a source distribution of 2.95.4 on the gcc site...

> And this recommendation doesn't hold for all architectures supported
> by Debian ...

for the installed kernel on my debian systems i most of the time use the
current gcc package from stable or testing and never had any problems.

the whole point really was that i wanted to make live easier for the
kernel development people by sticking as tightly as possible to the
requirements when working with the development kernel. if i get some strange
error messages, i want to be sure that i have the right toolchain working,
so i don't go chasing shadows around. just in case, hypothetically, in case
shit happens.

ok, lets stop this discussion here, if we can agree on the following:

-gcc 2.95.4 is all right, not based on 2.95.2 and may be used for kernel
 compilation, stuff and everything.

-there is no debian-packaged gcc 2.95.3 for paranoid kernel development
 explorers and bugscouts ;-)

-this is not really a problem.

peter koellner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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