Amy Fong writes:
> Upon linking my app, I get the following error:

please send the complete command, including all compiler options,
which produced this error.

> main.o: In function `std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> 
> >::setg(char*, char*, char*)': 
> /usr/include/g++-v3/bits/stl_map.h(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZNSt13_Format_cacheIcE6_S_getERSt8ios_base+0x75):
>  undefined reference to `std::_Format_cache<char>::_Format_cache[in-charge]()'
> main.o: In function `main':
> <local filename...>:101: undefined reference to 
> `std::_Format_cache<char>::_Format_cache[in-charge]()'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> It looks like g++-3.2 is using the header files under /usr/include/g++-* 
> rather than /usr/include/c++/3.2?
> (Since _Format_cache isn't defined in libstdc++5-dev files)

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